Pretty cool features, enterntainment PC, Windows Vista Premium.......
Well, I bought this from the HKUST Notebook Ownership Program, at a very reasonable price. About 2000HKD discounted from original price? and I had to wait for about 21days after ordering it.
It is a pretty efficient laptop I could say, faast speed, huge RAM, Nvidia graphics card blah blah blah.....but the thing about computers are, problems happen very soon~~~~
About after a week of arrival, the sound card could not function. Well it was okay after I restarted it, but still, weird. Besides, when I make a video call from MSN, the mic and sound is not detected, which till now is still, unsolved.
A month later, the startup grew slower and slower. I guess that's because of the expiring Norton Anti Virus. Hmph, I wonder why don't these computers come with a proper anti-virus software. So I had to uninstall norton ad bring AVG freeware in.
A month plus later, the system stopped at 0126hours. Without reason=.= As in when I woke up at 8am, it's still 0126hours!! Ah....this means I have to press the stupid switch for 10seconds to shut down my laptop improperly, which I HATE aloot.
Last month, this happened again.
Well, this laptop is just about 2 months plus old leh.....
So the conclusion is.....the laptop/HP is not good enough? Aih......
Anyway, this is something I NEED, to survive.
Hehe, Can't imagine myself not switching on my computer and logging on to MSN though.
So who cares about those problems...as long as I still have the basic basic functions....
Nvidia soundcard? hahaha. :P
anyway, first thing to try when there's a problem such as yours is try to reinstall or update your drivers.
Do that, and if it's not solved, tell me. :D
Damn...you got me! HAHA...
Anyway, reinstalling and updating does not help=(
So what's your next suggested solution?
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