I guess I'm supposed to post something here.
Whatever it is, just something.
Have been out of touch for more than a week.
Felt guilty to those people who...erm.stop by quite often to check out for updates?
Haha. Have been a little busy with some random stuff lately. Just a little actually.
Follow up on stuff regarding my studies in Hong Kong, movies catching, friends meeting, classes replacing...blah blah.
Very random. And yea, working at FF.
Owh and one more thing, I got hooked up with this not really famous online game-Highstreet5. It's a game similar to Audition. Haha. Quite fun actually, and the songs there are updated. Enjoyable, although I'm still a beginner at level 2.
There are some changes going on in my life, here and there.
And I really feel that I'm really goinna leave this place in like just a month plus few more days.
Feels weird. Though I'm not packing up anything yet.
A little announcement.
To those who don't really know what I'm talking about.
I'm leaving for Hong Kong to study in The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Leaving particularly in August 21st. Penang International Airport.
So I'll see you in the airport 1.30pm if you're free? Hehe....
Okay, told ya I don't know what to say. I'm crapping.
I'll update more often kay...I promise. Just to let you guys know that I'm still alive.
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