I guess so.
It has been days .... so HOT~MELTING~~
Can't believe myself sweating when I'm writing a blog or doing whatever in front of the computer. At 11pm.
Where are all those clouds....
Even sleeping does not solve the problem. I can even sweat when I sleep.
I need an air-con in the air. (Which is, something not good to our environment....)
But it's just too hot!
Can't imagine myself being in a country with four seasons. No, I should say with summer!
Woo-hoo....the temperature will be like 40 degree celcius?
Burning...burning....I'd rather die.
Being in my car is like a disaster too. For those who know what car I'm driving, I guess you know why.
Besides driving you around, it functions as a microwave oven too! You can simply get free sauna for how ever long period you like...Cool huh....
The conclusion is, I need some huge clouds to just cover the sun a little. Maybe a little will more or less help. It would be even better if those are dark clouds...
I just can't stand this temperature!
ya... even 11pm also will sweat...
haih... panas sangat la cuaca belakangan...
anyway... ur car... 嘛当减肥咯!
Haha....jian fei your head. Just like you, I need to jian fei meh?
Can die inside the car lor>.<
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