I can't log on to any websites related to MSN, which means Hotmail, Spaces and Messenger. I can't log on to AirAsia's website, which is currently kinda important to me, and sometimes I can't even log on to search engines like Yahoo.
Potong stim.=.=|||
It has been days....Since I came back from KL. Let me count it.
Thursday itself, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
It recovered on Monday. Yippee yeah yeah for me!
And who expects it to come back again.
I really hate being unable to log in to MSN or go to pages that I really need to browse.
Streamyx's fault? Or my computer itself?
Anyone experienced this before?
Solutions anyone?
Okay let me bring in some shoots for a better picture....

Why can't Internet Explorer just display the freaking webpage???
dunno why but your screaming on those screenshots make me laughed...
>_< funny you
i come here to visit ur ENGLISH blog...
i agree with what 楼上 mia ppl say de thing
Haha.Yealor FINALLY!!
Must come often leh....kenot hangat hangat just one moment.
I know funny larr. See whether you could still laugh if you experience it yourself.Haha.
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