No more 4 jobs in a day, no classes to teach, no classes to attend.
Basically I'll just wonder around. At home, or somewhere out there.
Basically I'll just wonder around. At home, or somewhere out there.
But since petrol is RM2.70 per litre(!), I'm restricted to areas around Island Plaza, or maybe furthest 1-stop. Don't feel like travelling since June 5th. No mood actually.
In fact, there are pretty much tasks lining up for me.
Like learning BS72 and past releases choreo, gain some extra knowledge, survey on some electronic gadgets, play some music, earn some extra cash(Yea, I kinda need this~)??
But things are going really really slow.
Maybe I should blame the internet connection at home. When things get stuck here and there, I just don't feel like continuing whatever I'm doing.
Maybe I should also blame the freaking hot weather. When I'm sweating for no reason, I just feel like locking myself into my air-con room and sleep.
Well, ya. I've been lazing around since I came back from KL.
Waking up everyday morning to drop my mum to school and go back to my bed to sleep until it's over the time I'm supposed to be awake is my routine. And what is meant by the time I'm supposed to be awake is 0900hrs? Yeah, and I took my own sweet time till almost half of a day is over.
I'm too lazy to move around. Ahh....just go away lazy bugs.
What am I waiting for?
Yeah, to study I think.
Or simply just to keep myself busy.
Not having more than 3 jobs at a time made me feel uneasy. O.0?
Haha....true enough. I'd rather keep myself hooked up with schedules of work, rather than sleeping too much everyday.
Yea, you've not mistaken. I've been sleeping too much nowadays. And the more I sleep, the more attached I am to my bed.
It sounds so un-Sherlyn.
I seriously gotta start my engine. Doing something really productive. Instead of falling asleep even when I'm halfway
writing a blog...=.=
Haha. Good luck aights....
Gotta find the correct pair of keys to get my engine working....
It sounds so un-Sherlyn.
I seriously gotta start my engine. Doing something really productive. Instead of falling asleep even when I'm halfway

Haha. Good luck aights....
Gotta find the correct pair of keys to get my engine working....
cant wait to land your foot on HK ur banner anyway.
I can't wait too....
Yea, I LOVE dat banner.Hohohoho.
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