After lunch, my friend dropped my to KLCC and I took the LRT to head to Bangsar LRT station, again.
There were really a lot of people behind the ticket machine, and the counter. You could actually see the whole hall of people lining up for tickets. So that means I have no choice but to do the same thing too. Since I don't have small change, I had to queue up at the main counter line. It took me at least around.....20 minutes? to get my ticket. Phew, and I forgot to mention that I was carrying quite a heavy luggage with me. The ticket cost me RM2.
Well, that's not big deal. After I reached Bangsar LRT station, since I have enough time from my class, I walked opposite and tried waiting for the bus to Damansara Heights again. I managed to catch up with the correct bus number, but the driver said that I need to walk opposite to get a bus to KL central before I can get another bus to Damansara Heights.
What??? That was the first word which came into my mind after getting the instructions.
Sigh, and feeling a lil tired, I walked back opposite with my bag and everything to catch a bus to KL Central.
Yup, and to make things better, it was raining cats and dogs at that time.
The distance between Bangsar and KL Central was not too far. And the waiting time for the next bus was thankfully not too long. But....there's still a but, the bus driver this time was really rude. As though he can't speak nor smile, he just stared and nod when I asked him questions. The worse part is when he used he hands to block me when he saw me walking pass the back door of his bus thinking that I'm going to get up from there. "!!" What kind of attitude is this.....

So I did A LOT...and I mean REALLY A LOT of walking. Under the rain, and with a luggage and a laptop in my backpack. What a great idea huh.....After that much walking and when I reached MML, I saw the same bus I took passing by just right in front of the building. "SHOOT ME!" I was ALL wet by then......
After I dry up myself, I began revising my choreo. I was at the member's lounge, and all of a sudden a very weird big sized with messy beard guy approached me. He does not look appealing at all, in fact I could use the term, scary. He initiated a conversation by asking whether I'm still studying(that's because I had some script in front of me), and when I said no he just continued asking more questions. Like....erm then what are you doing, you still look very young, where will you be studying in the future, why do you choose to go there, isn't local institutions good enough....Blah blah blah there it goes....I had no choice but to turn off my MP3. He got so excited till he brought himself to his old time stories..his experience going to China, how are the people here and there...and blah blah....I can't even be bothered! I just wonder how nodding could make him feel that I'm interested in whateva crap he's saying! I'm not even giving any other response! Argh....and there goes more...he loves food, what food does he take in the mornings, what does he likes about Malaysia.............
OkAY! Enough is enough...I need to keep on staring at my watch to indicate that I'm in a rush to prepare for my class! At last, I managed to get RID of him. Oh ya, and before I step away from the table, he asked again, "So what's my name..?" Oh dear....thank goodness his name is easy enough to remember! Damn....he just spoilt the beauty of the name, Jaffrey(or whichever way you spell it). I need to stress that he looked even worse than Osama??
Yeah, trust me. So I escaped and had some time in the changing room instead, listening to the songs. Hopefully I could do well in class later.
It's time. I introduced myself and there was a member further behind asking where is Kim. After I explained she just nodded and gave me the facial expression of dissatisfaction. I'm goinna be stressed out....!
It was supposed to be okay, until the members felt bored on the way I coach? Aiks....I don't really know how to explain. One by one walked out until there was only down to 4 members in the class. That is totally BAD. Oh ya and did I mention that the freaky guy entered the class as well? And walked out after Track 8 announcing to the whole class that he's tired and he needs a break? Should I feel thankful or what? He made some weird noise throughout the class and clapped when he feels like it. And if you think things were not worse enough, my MP3 kong-ed off in the middle of party track. BAD. I didn't realize that the adapter wasn't really plugged on and there it goes. Embarrassing moment. Ah.....
Well, I should be glad that there are still "survivors" I call when I did the cool down track.
Sob Sob Sob......
So I did communicate with the members after I finish the class. They were quite friendly actually. I don't mean those who walked out from the class la of course....So I shall work harder I suppose.
So the freaky guy was still sitting at the member's lounge after the class. That means I should avoid getting close to that area or to even get a drink. Fine then, I went straight to shower.
Who expects him to still be THERE when I came out from the changing room??? Bad day.....
And he wanted to talk to me again! Ah....okay okay...I'm leaving I'm leaving and I gotta go...Just have to be mean. When things are not in the correct place.
Good thing is, I can actually online in MML! Say yeah! But I had to leave not long after I log on as Kim was there to pick me up. So we went for dinner and head back to the office. It was Jerrican's birthday yesterday and Kim bought him a pandan cake and all of us sang birthday song to him after he ended his class, 2200hrs. A surprise for him! After sharing out the cakes, we went back home.
Long long day.....what am I goinna do tomorrow? Hopefully I can indulge myself with some better activities?
OkAY! Enough is enough...I need to keep on staring at my watch to indicate that I'm in a rush to prepare for my class! At last, I managed to get RID of him. Oh ya, and before I step away from the table, he asked again, "So what's my name..?" Oh dear....thank goodness his name is easy enough to remember! Damn....he just spoilt the beauty of the name, Jaffrey(or whichever way you spell it). I need to stress that he looked even worse than Osama??
Yeah, trust me. So I escaped and had some time in the changing room instead, listening to the songs. Hopefully I could do well in class later.
It's time. I introduced myself and there was a member further behind asking where is Kim. After I explained she just nodded and gave me the facial expression of dissatisfaction. I'm goinna be stressed out....!
It was supposed to be okay, until the members felt bored on the way I coach? Aiks....I don't really know how to explain. One by one walked out until there was only down to 4 members in the class. That is totally BAD. Oh ya and did I mention that the freaky guy entered the class as well? And walked out after Track 8 announcing to the whole class that he's tired and he needs a break? Should I feel thankful or what? He made some weird noise throughout the class and clapped when he feels like it. And if you think things were not worse enough, my MP3 kong-ed off in the middle of party track. BAD. I didn't realize that the adapter wasn't really plugged on and there it goes. Embarrassing moment. Ah.....
Well, I should be glad that there are still "survivors" I call when I did the cool down track.
Sob Sob Sob......
So I did communicate with the members after I finish the class. They were quite friendly actually. I don't mean those who walked out from the class la of course....So I shall work harder I suppose.
So the freaky guy was still sitting at the member's lounge after the class. That means I should avoid getting close to that area or to even get a drink. Fine then, I went straight to shower.
Who expects him to still be THERE when I came out from the changing room??? Bad day.....
And he wanted to talk to me again! Ah....okay okay...I'm leaving I'm leaving and I gotta go...Just have to be mean. When things are not in the correct place.
Good thing is, I can actually online in MML! Say yeah! But I had to leave not long after I log on as Kim was there to pick me up. So we went for dinner and head back to the office. It was Jerrican's birthday yesterday and Kim bought him a pandan cake and all of us sang birthday song to him after he ended his class, 2200hrs. A surprise for him! After sharing out the cakes, we went back home.
Long long day.....what am I goinna do tomorrow? Hopefully I can indulge myself with some better activities?
haha,the weird guy part is funny..anyway, i dint finish the whole entry, just read that part...
i know la...u tiok so busy n boh sim ma...
Loved how you say that he's worse than Osama! So laugh out loud!
If I could take his photo then you will know what I said is so damn true!
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